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Gísli Marteinn kemur aftur til Rvk með nýrri sýn (vonandi)

Gott hjá Gísla Marteini að taka námið alvarlega.  Þetta nám er að manni skilst mjög hagnýtt hvað varðar framtíðarþróun borgarskipulags, mannlegri samgöngur og þess háttar.

Hér eru krækjur í greinar, vefsíður og fleira sem snerta hlutir sem Gísli mun vonandi læra um í náminu:  

Cycling could help boost economy - Scotsman.com

Opinion | Biking should be encouraged, not taxed further to support roads

New transportation fringe benefit helps bicycle commuters

Quickrelease.tv & Blog Archive & Celebs who cycle

Air pollution worst inside cars: research - News - UNSW - Science

A Virtuous Cycle: Safety In Numbers For Bicycle Riders

Lower speed limit to tackle obesity crisis, say experts | The Courier-Mail

Online TDM Encyclopedia - Commuter Financial Incentives

Flick through the Bike to Work Book online Bike For All

Smart Growth Safety Benefits | Planetizen [planetizen.com]
Útdráttur: "Many families move to sprawled, automobile-dependent suburbs because they want a safe place to raise their children. They are mistaken. A smart growth community is actually a much safer and healthier place to live overall."

"A healthy city is an active city: a physical activity planning guide ..." from the World Health Organisation

With this guide, city leaders can create a plan for physical activity, active living and sport in their city or community.

It describes how the approach relates to the Healthy Cities movement, why people need active living opportunities and who to involve; how to create, implement and evaluate the plan; and what tools, good examples and other sources to use.

The guide will be invaluable not only to city leaders and local governments, but also to all those they seek to involve in the process: city departments, nongovernmental organizations, schools and educators, the health sector, the private sector and residents themselves. "


Rethinking Transportation Safety | Planetizen [planetizen.com]
A paradigm shift is changing the way we think about transportation safety. In the past, traffic safety experts evaluated risk using distance-based units (traffic crashes and casualties per 100 million vehicle-miles or billion vehicle-kilometers), which ignores increases in vehicle traffic as a risk factor, and mobility management as a safety strategy. Yet, we now have overwhelming evidence that the amount people drive has a major impact on their chance of being injured or killed in a traffic accident."



"Look out for a brand new bike

Cycle to Work leaflet

in your pay packet."

That's the headline on a Cycling England leaflet for the government's Cycle to Work scheme.

Cycle to Work is a tax incentive aimed at encouraging employees to, er, cycle to work, thereby reducing air pollution and improving their health.

The scheme allows employees to benefit from a long term loan of bikes and commuting equipment such as lights, locks and panniers completely tax free.

Employers benefit from fitter, more punctual, more wide-awake staff. Employees benefit from better health and better bikes because their money goes further. With a budget of, say £400, an employee in the high tax-band can now afford a bike, plus accessories, worth nearly £800.


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