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traffic evaporation : Orðræða í Evrópu - Samgönguvika

Hér er tillkyning um European Mobility Week / Samgönguviku :


The European Mobility Week
"STREETS FOR PEOPLE" will be the central theme for European Mobility Week 2007. Road space reallocation is not about making life difficult for car drivers but it is about improving mobility options and quality of urban life for all. Quote from DG Environment publication ‘Reclaiming city streets for people’

The sixth edition of the European Mobility Week is organised under the theme ‘Streets for people’. This theme conveys the clear message that increasing road space for cars is not the answer to existing transport challenges. On the contrary, reducing road capacity for cars can represent a sustainable, efficient solution and also allows healthier lifestyles for all citizens without reducing individual mobility. This theme encourages local authorities to reallocate some road space to non-motorised traffic. It also puts an emphasis on the need for improving air quality at local level : major concern for the European Union and its Member States.

In Europe, the majority of citizens want to promote modes of transport which are more respectful of the environment. Many citizens are worried about the quality of the air they breathe and put air pollution at the top of their list of environmental concerns. Most of them are also in favour of increasing the amount of greenways and pedestrian areas over highways in order to rebuild a common sense of neighbourhood and local community and to solve air quality and noise pollution. These facts are apparent when analysing the opinion polls distributed during the European Mobility Week.

Case studies from around the world show that it is possible to reduce capacity available to cars without increasing traffic congestion in the surrounding streets. On the contrary, ‘traffic evaporation’ occurs which results in a more liveable environment in many different aspects. So why not try it ?

Ref : Traffic Impact of Highway Capacity Reductions : Assessment of the Evidence

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