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Frábær grein um mengunarminni bíla

Þessi grein  frá norðvesturströnd Ameríku  fer vel ofan í málin og skoðar meira en tvo hliða varðandi bilana sem sumir vilja kalla visthæfir, aðrir grænir ( en "má ekki" lengur - takk til Neytendasamtakanna og Neytendastofu).  Rétta heitið er kannski "mengunargrennri bílar", mengunarminni bílar eða álíka.  Nýyrðasmiði er ekki mín strerka hlið, né íslenskan yfirhöfuð....

En aftur um greinina :  Sérstaklega athyglisverð eru rökin undir fyrirsögninni The Hype Cycle

Hér er bút úr þessu :


 In 1999, at the height of the fuel-cell craze, I remember listening to car makers and science writers foretelling the imminent arrival of the hydrogen economy. Soon thereafter, hype turned to disillusionment. More recently, biofuels have followed a similar trajectory, in which expectations blossomed far faster than actual market presence and, when unrealistic expectations were not met, the popular sentiment began to switch to rejection. Plug-in hybrids are becoming the new “it” technology in Cascadia, and I worry they’ll fall from favor as quickly as their predecessors.

  These technologies all hold promise, plug-ins possibly more even than the others. Fixating on car technology, however, is part of the problem. It perpetuates the hype cycle: every new fuel or power train design leads to a whirlwind romance, followed, eventually, by disenchantment. And the drama distracts from less glamorous but ultimately more effective, political and institutional solutions, such as auctioned cap and trade systems and carbon taxes and complete, compact communities, not to mention feebates and decoupling and efficiency improvements and congestion pricing and pay-as-you-drive auto insurance, and even ride hopping, high-tech hitch-hiking, better public transit, walkshed mapping, and (my current passion) Bicycle Respect.



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