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UK, BNA tala um mannréttindi þegar þeim hentar ?

Útdrátt úr grein í The Guardian, eftir Kishore Mahbubani, föstudaginn 28. mars 2008 : 

The sermons of cowards

The west is squandering authority on democracy and human rights: it fails to practise as it preaches


Something remarkable has happened in the struggle for greater freedom and democracy. The world's most powerful nation and the traditional beacon for democracy, the United States, has slid backwards. ( Klippaði burt texta um Indonesíu ) 

The first flaw of western discourse is its inability to practise what it preaches in this respect: to speak truth to power. This is revealed in the reluctance of western governments to discuss the most catastrophic reversal in the field of human rights: the decision by the US government to defend the use of torture. In the evolution of human rights there have been two quantum leaps: the first was the universal abolition of slavery; the second, the move towards abolishing torture


Breyting : Tók út texta sem talaði um að Indónesía sé að gera stór framfaraskref  í lýðræðisátt. Textahöfundurinn útskýrði það ekki, og í öðrum fréttum sýnist mér koma fram að nýja lýðræðið þar standi mjög höllum fótum  - eins og kemur fram t.d. í þessa grein sem google fann handa mér... 

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