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Neikvæð áhrif bilaumferðar gera um 6% þjóðarframleiðslu í Evrópu

Ef einhver vill lesa sér til um áhrif umferðar,  ( sökkva sér niður í ) vil ég benda á  skýrsluna frá INFRAS/IWW..

Úr samantektinni :  

The new INFRAS / IWW study on the environmental impact of transport presented in Brussels "External costs" connected with accidents and environmental damage rose by over 12 % between 1995 and 2000 and now account for roughly 7.3 % of the GDP in Europe. Over 80 % of these costs are due to road transport, 1,9 to rail.   Action must be taken urgently to stem the tide and guide demand towards the most environmentally friendly modes, and the rail mode in particular.

The study is an up-date of the initial study carried out to assess the external costs of transport carried out by the same two institutes in 2000 on the basis of reference data for 1995. It was the first large-scale, in-depth study of the effect of transport activities for all modes in terms of accidents, environmental damage and congestion encompassing a group of 17 countries in Europe – the EU countries plus Switzerland and Norway. The study culminated in quantification of these costs, in other words the external costs, borne by the community at large (taxpayers) instead of being integrated in the price users pay for transport. This initial study was recognised as a reliable analysis and contributed substantially to the European debate on transport and mobility policy. The up-dated study completed by the INFRAS et IWW institutes in 2004 focuses on the same countries and on all transport modes.
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